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Planned Works
Lewisham Park TOWERS
Axis has been selected by L&Q to carry out planned works at Lewisham Park Towers. All the content on this website site is specific to this project.
This website exists to communicate important information to residents living in these properties, as well as providing a quick means of contacting our team if you have any questions or concerns.

Ext. Wall Insulation



External Soil Stack

We have a highly experienced team working around your property. Here are the key members who will make sure work is delivered to the highest standard and that resident’s voices are heard.
1st Point Of Contact

Sarah Cooper
Senior Resident Liaison Officer

Phil rogers
Senior Site Manager
Why are pre-condition surveys required?These are important visits before the work starts. First we get to speak to you in person, explain the process and answer your questions. We are also looking for anything that might stop us achieving the work first time.
What is a resident surgery (drop-in)?Each week we set an informal coffee and biscuits session, during which residents can come and meet the team, discuss the works, raise any issues they are having and get their questions answered - all over a cuppa.
Would residents have to temporarily stay elsewhere when the windows are being installed?No. Any windows removed will be installed and tightly sealed on the same day. However, there will be a Resident Welcome Centre which will be safely sited away from all noisy and disruptive construction works. There will be an open-door policy giving residents the opportunity to pop in for a face-to-face chat, have a coffee and address any concerns they may have regarding the works. Residents can also use the Welcome Centre while works are taking place in their homes. This will have a fitted kitchen, comfortable sofas, TV and WIFI.
Can you help if I am unable to prepare the area where work is to take place?You will need to clear window space and may need to move some furniture before the new windows are installed. Your RLO will advise you when to start these preparations and can arrange assistance if you’re physically unable to do it yourself. Anything that is removed to allow for clear access to install the windows, will be put back.
Will there be full scaffold for the duration of the works?Yes. Scaffold will be required to all elevations (front, rear and sides of the towers) to allow the safe completion of window replacements, external wall insulation, roof replacements and soil stack relocation. Scaffold will be removed once the scaffold dependant works are completed.
How long will scaffold be up for?Axis will provide a detailed programme of works as part of their detailed planning process. This will confirm the sequence of works and the expected duration of scaffold to each tower. We will share this with residents at the next meeting.
At what point will we have the schedule of work detail?The contractor will share a proposed programme of works with residents on completion of their detailed planning phase (this will be around the time the Section 20 notices are issued). This is expected to take place in the early part of Autumn. This programme will outline the order each work element will be carried out. Prior to the work starting onsite, we will also hold a ‘meet the contractor’ meeting for residents to come and meet the team doing the work. At this meeting, the team will be able to talk through the process and time needed in each flat.
The communication and resident care around the works and in particular noisy and disruptive works will be especially important. How will Axis deal with this?We agree that good communication with residents about the works will be essential at Lewisham Park Towers. Axis will have three full time Resident Liaison Officers (RLO’s) on site, one for each tower. The RLOs will be responsible for keeping residents updated on the works, arranging access and appointments for surveys and works inside your homes. The RLOs will work out of the resident’s Welcome Centre from Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am - 5pm.
Will there be any online tools available to resident during the works?A residents app and webpage for Lewisham Park Towers that will: Get real time information and the latest announcements. Display information about resident events including details of coffee mornings and drop ins. Provide the ability to book appointments for in-flat works. Keep up to date with the project’s progress. See photos and watch videos of works taking place. Find answers to frequently asked questions. Contact the team including a live chat feature during working hours.
What tools will be available for residents who do not want to use online tools?We understand that not all residents will want to use online tools. Please be reassured that all residents will be given their RLOs direct contact details as first point of contact for any day-to-day queries. This will be a free phone telephone number. We will also carry out home visits and send letters in advance of the works, particularly where access is required for works inside your homes.
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